I'm not MIA, really! Just been doing a lot more devotional style writing this week on Pleasing to You. I have posted several things this week over there.
Check out these posts ~
"It's in the JunkDrawer" ... some thoughts about the "junk" that gets piled up in my heart. Here's an exerpt ... "And just like I find myself sorting through the papers and whatnot in the catch-all drawer in my house, rarely throwing anything away without first thinking about why I kept it in the first place, there are times when, instead of tossing the trash, I ponder every little item I have collected in my heart’s junk drawer."
"Moldy Shower Curtain Liners" ... ponderings about the hidden things in my life that can become serious issues. "Far too often, I treat my spiritual life the same way I do my bathroom. I do a quick sweep but never really clean. I just pull the pretty shower curtain closed and hide the moldy liner … and I walk away from the mirror unchanged."
"Cleaning Break" ... thoughts about time spent daily in God's Word. This is my "Works for Me Wednesday" post for the week. "One of my earnest desires is to become a woman of wisdom who "builds her house" (Proverbs 14:1) and spending time every day soaking in the "Book of Wisdom" is laying a solid foundation for me in that area."
"Word Filled Wednesday" ... pondering an especially meaningful verse to me this week.
"Who Used the Last Roll of TP?" ... thoughts about our need for patience with others. Just posted this morning!! "That means, not only am I expected to be long-suffering with other people but I am also to choose to let things go. Even the absence of toilet paper."
Won't you take a moment to check out what's happening at "Pleasing to You"? Leave a comment, subscribe, send me an email with ideas for topics or questions you have about spiritual growth or daily Christian living! Would love to "see" you over there ...
I'll still be posting "Fab Five" and "Menu Plan Monday" here as well as other things along the way. But would love to have you visit my little corner of encouragement at "Pleasing to You." (Did I mention you can subscribe to "Pleasing to You"? Because you can!!)
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