Tuesday, August 14, 2007

School starts tomorrow!!!

I am so excited! Casiday is so excited. It's been a LOOONNNNG summer for us. Busy but long. She's going to a new school and she's not the least afraid. We had one moment of anxiety on Sunday afternoon before Open House but since then she's been great.

I have a coffee date at 9 a.m. with my neighbor across the street who I have not spent any time with this summer. Sad but true.

The rest of my day will be filled with a few errands, planning a menu for the next two weeks, and finishing up some cleaning. All without hearing any of the following ...

"I'm bored."
"Can I watch my shows?"
"Can I go outside?"
"Can I go see if Emily is home?"
"I'm hungry."
"Can I have a snack?"
"When is lunch?"
"Where is Daddy?"
"What are we going to do today?"

Silence never sounds so good as on the first day of school!!

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